Creating an custom module for ec2 instance with a amazon linux 2 ami IDA module is a container for multiple resources that are used together. Every Terraform configuration has at least one module, known as its…Jun 18, 20221Jun 18, 20221
Create an ECS Cluster with Docker and a CentOS image in TerraformElastic Container Service (ECS) is a scalable and fast container management service that makes it easy to run, stop and start Docker…Jun 8, 2022Jun 8, 2022
Using Terraform to Deploy EC2, VPC w/Public and Private Subnets, Aurora RDS Mysql instance and Load…In this publication I will be completing the following tasks:May 31, 2022May 31, 2022
How to stop and start Amazon EC2 instances using Lambda Functions and EventBridge/ CloudWatchYou will need the following to complete the process:Apr 8, 2022Apr 8, 2022
Working with AWS SQS FIFO QueuesYou will have to complete the following steps to setup a FIFO Queue.Mar 27, 2022Mar 27, 2022
How to create and configure an AWS S3 bucket to host a static website.First, login using the AWS Console and the admin credentials you have created. Next, we will navigate to Storage and S3 as seen below.Feb 16, 2022Feb 16, 2022
How to create a user account with a custom password using IAM in the AWS Console.First, we login in with our AWS administrators account. Next, we access the AWS Consoles, IAM screen and choose Users. Once screen has…Feb 16, 2022Feb 16, 2022
Installing Apache Web Server on CentOS7My first project for Level Up In Tech Cohort is to provide instructions on how to install an Apache Web Server on a CentOS Server of my…Jan 27, 2022Jan 27, 2022