Working with AWS SQS FIFO Queues
You will have to complete the following steps to setup a FIFO Queue.
· First open the SQS Console window
· Choose Create queue, specify the correct region.
· Standard queue is selected by default. Choose FIFO
· You cannot change the queue type after you create it
· Enter name for your queue. The name of a FIFO queue must end in the .fifo suffix.
· To create the queue with default parameters, scroll to the bottom and choose Create Queue. Amazon SQS creates the queue and displays the queue’s Details page
Enter name of queue followed by .fifo suffix as viewed below
Click on Create queue.
MyFifo.fifo queue has been created successfully.
Next I will send a message to the SQS queue.
- From the left navigation pane, choose Queues. From the queue list, I will select the queue I created.
- From the Actions, choose send and receive messages.
- Place text in message body.
- Enter a Message group id.
- Choose send message.
The message is sent to the console and displays successful message. Choose View Details above right to display information on the sent message.
Below displays details of the message in the SQS queue.
Next, I will receive and delete my message.
- From the queues page select queue
- From Queue Actions, select Send and Receive Messages.
- On the lower half of page, Choose Poll for messages.
Here is my test message.
To delete messages, select the messages that you want to delete and choose Delete.
Deleting the SQS queue.
Under queues choose queue and delete.
Queue has been deleted.
This is a very simple and clean setup.